- Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations
- centerNet: An international network of digital humanities centers
- eadh: European Association for Digital Humanities
- Electronic Literature Organization
- DARIAH-EU. Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
- Digital Library Federation
- DiGRA - digital games research association
- HASTAC: Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory
- Historical Network Research
- International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
- ISEA International
- Leonardo: The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology
- mediacommons: a digital scholarly network
- Society for Cinema and Media Studies
- Society for Literature, Science & the Arts
- The Association for Computers and the Humanities
Publications (Research and Teaching)
- ADA: Archive of Digital Art
- Configurations. A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
- dhq: digital humanities quarterly
- Digital Humanities Now
- Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
- Digital Studies / Le champ numérique
- frontiers in Digital Humanities
- Game Studies: the international journal of computer game research
- Hybrid Pedagogy: A digital journal of learning, teaching, and technology
- Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies
- International Journal for Digital Art History
- Journal of Design and Science
- Journal of Digital and Media Literacy
- Journal of Historical Network Research
- Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative
- Kairos. A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy
- Leonardo
- Media Theory Keywords Glossary
- Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
- NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies
- NINES. Nineteenth-century Scholarship Online
- Open Humanities Press
- ProfHacker: teaching, tech, and productivity
- Reviews in DH
- RIDE: A Review Journal for Digital Editions and Resources
- The Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy
Get Started
- A Social Media Guide for Academics (JustPublics@365 Toolkit)
- DH Tools (Duke University)
- DH Toychest: Digital Humanities Tools
- DHSI: Digital Humanities Summer Institute
- Digital Humanities Course Registry
- Doing DH: Get Started
- Doing Digital Scholarship: Self-guided introduction to Digital Scholarship
- FirstSiteGuide
- Getting into Digital Humanities: A top-ten by Tom Scheinfeldt
- Getting Started in Digital Humanities by Lisa Spiro
- Historical Network Research Tools, Tutorials, and Platforms
- How did they make that? by Miriam Posner
- How to Start a Blog
- Introduction to Python
- Natural language processing resources for multiple languages
- Python for DH (youtube)
- Python Programming for the Humanities
- Tapor 3: Research Tools for Studying Texts
- The Programming Historian (not just for historians)
Tech Support
- Digital Commons. Institutional Repository Software
- GitHub: how to build your own software
- The Programming Historian
- DH Summer Institute
Guidelines for Evaluating Scholarship in Digital Humanities / Copyright / Open Access
- Creative Commons
- Guidelines published by the Modern Language Association
- Guidelines published by the American Historical Association
- Guidelines published by the College Art Association
- Guidelines published by the Association for Computers and the Humanities
- Guidelines available from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities
- Laura Quilter on "Making your Contract Work for You," presented April 2017 at UConn
- Michael Rodriguez on "When is Fair Use? Digital Scholarship - Copyright," presented April 2017 at UConn
- Scholarly Publishing and Copyright
- Digital Scholarship evaluation resource